About Us

Our History

QASource was founded in 2000 by Rajeev Rai, an industry veteran with a deep-rooted passion for software testing. With his background in leading testing teams at major tech companies like Apple, IBM, and Adobe, his years of hands-on experience and insights into the industry led him to establish QASource, a company dedicated to providing top-quality software testing services to clients.

Our Founder's Impact On QASource’s Core Principles

Rajeev's experience on the client side of outsourced services was central to the establishment of our core principles:

  • Tailor each engagement to meet the unique requirements of every client
  • Provide flexible staffing solutions that enable clients to adjust their teams to project demands
  • Empower clients to achieve more with fewer resources
  • Ensure transparent, open, and seamless communication between outsourced QA teams and in-house development groups
  • Offer predictable and transparent budgeting
  • Assign dedicated test engineers and teams to each client, guaranteeing focused effort and consistency
  • Consistently deliver industry-leading testing practices and innovative solutions to our clients, improving efficiency, speed, and overall outcomes.

Our Commitment To Excellence

  • Professional Development

    Prioritize our test engineering staff's continuous development and skill enhancement.

  • Process Optimization

    Commit to relentlessly improving our processes to boost efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Domain Expertise

    Ensure our team maintains comprehensive expertise across various domains, staying ahead of the curve.

  • Remarkable Growth

    A two-decade-long journey marked by consistent double-digit annual growth.

Building Enduring Partnership

We build long-term relationships with our customers, maintaining a 95% customer retention rate.

Proven Expertise

Over two decades of leadership in quality assurance beyond mere bug detection.

Trusted Referrals

A remarkable 40% of our new clients come to us through referrals from satisfied former customers, a testament to the trust and satisfaction in our services.

Client-focused Collaboration

Our approach emphasizes deep integration with client teams, recognizing it as vital to the client's ongoing success.

Serving A Spectrum of Clients

Adapting to diverse client needs, from startups to corporate giants, ensuring excellence in every project, big or small.

  • Diverse Clientele

    We cater to a wide range of clients, from startups to globally established giants.

  • Adaptability

    Our extensive experience across various industries highlights our flexibility and ability to tackle any project, regardless of size or complexity.

  • Consistent Excellence

    Deliver exceptional service and expertise to every client, ensuring a signature QASource experience.

Tailored Solutions

We create customized testing strategies to meet your project's specific needs.

AI-Augmented Testing

We seamlessly combine the capabilities of advanced AI technologies with traditional testing methodologies.

Seamless Integration

Our processes are designed to seamlessly integrate with your in-house team rather than operating as an external entity.

Extensive Employee Training

All QASource engineers undergo comprehensive training to stay up-to-date with the latest testing methodologies and tools.

Dedicated Engineers for Each Client

Our engineers are dedicated to working on your project only.

Tiered Leadership

Our non-billable project management comprises US-based customer success management, offshore/nearshore QA managers, and a dedicated QA team.

Our Culture

We prioritize continuous training, QA expertise, team ownership, open communication, high standards, meaningful work, attracting top talent, and caring for our employees.

Are You Ready to Save Time, Enhance Quality, Improve Coverage, and Deliver Outstanding Software?

  • Discover Your Potential

    Discover Your Potential

    Our evaluation will identify areas for improvements in your processes, highlight strengths, and demonstrate how our expertise can enhance your software's quality.

  • Technical Exploration

    Technical Exploration

    We'll evaluate your systems, environments, and project needs in order to tailor our services to your specific requirements.

  • Customized Testing Approach

    Customized Testing Approach

    We'll define the best testing strategy or combination of strategies for your project.

  • Setting Success Metrics

    Setting Success Metrics

    Together, we'll establish quality metrics that meet your expectations for exceptional software.

  • Quality Roadmap

    Quality Roadmap

    Within three days, we will provide you with a detailed project plan, including a feasible timeline and a transparent cost breakdown.

Identify Your QA Gaps - Free Requirements Analysis

Frequently Asked Questions

How can QASource benefit your business?

QASource can benefit your business in several ways, including:

  • Reduce costs: QASource provides affordable outsourced QA services as an alternative to in-house staffing.
  • Improve quality: QASource offers expert domain-specific testers who can help detect and resolve defects in your software.
  • Increase efficiency: QASource can help you streamline your QA process and improve your time-to-market.
  • Access to the latest tools and technologies: QASource staff stays up-to-date on the latest testing tools and technologies and can help you implement these tools in your projects.
  • Improve communication and collaboration: QASource has a proven approach to integrating with your team and can help ensure clear communication and collaboration between your team and our testers.

What services does QASource offer?

QASource offers a variety of software and QA testing services, including:

  • API testing
  • Artificial intelligence testing
  • Automation testing
  • Blockchain testing
  • Cloud-based application testing
  • Load and performance testing
  • Manual testing
  • Mobile app testing
  • QA consulting and analysis services
  • Salesforce testing
  • Legacy Application Testing and Maintenance
  • AI-Powered Application Testing
  • Big Data and Analytics Testing
  • Digital Assurance

What industries does QASource specialize in?

QASource works with various industries, including banking and finance, collaboration, cybersecurity, eLearning, healthcare, legal, media streaming, retail, SaaS, startups, trading, and more.

What is the experience level of QASource engineers?

QASource has a team of experienced domain-expert testers who can help you quickly identify and fix bugs in your software. QASource engineers stay up-to-date on the latest testing tools and technologies and can help you implement these tools in your projects. Our engineers undergo comprehensive training to stay updated with the latest testing methodologies and tools.

What is QASource’s pricing model?

We understand that pricing is an important factor when considering our services. However, as each customer's needs are unique, the price of our services may vary accordingly. We customize each engagement based on the specific requirements of our clients, so we cannot offer a one-size-fits-all price. In general, hiring one of our test engineers typically costs about half to one-third of hiring an in-house test engineer in North America. If you would like to get a more precise estimate, please provide us with your specific needs, and we will be happy to provide you with a customized quote.

How does QASource ensure exceptional service quality?

Through dedicated offshore engineers, significant investment in staff training, and an effective onboarding process, QASource achieves high retention rates, ensuring consistent project quality and speed while deeply integrating with clients' teams.