Mobile App Testing Services: Ensuring Quality with Mobile Testing

QASource has offered comprehensive mobile app testing services tailored to your needs for over 23 years. Partner with our tool-agnostic experts to conquer mobile testing, development, and analysis challenges.

Our Mobile QA and Testing Services

We offer a full range of customized mobile QA and testing solutions designed to meet your specific requirements. Our mobile testing services include:

  • Over-the-air (OTA) Testing

    Test the performance of wireless devices via antenna
  • Mobile Game Testing

    Test game performance with load, compatibility, and AB testing
  • Compatibility Testing

    Test app to ensure proper functionality across different browsers, OS, database, and networks
  • Functionality Testing

    Test user flows within the mobile app
  • Sound/Vibration Testing

    Set up and monitor vibration tests and generate automated reports
  • Network Testing

    Test mobile networks to ensure smooth functioning
  • Performance Testing

    Test device, API, and network performance of mobile app for functionality
  • Interruption Testing

    Check the app’s reaction to an interruption, and calculate recovery time
  • Mobile Browser Testing

    Test code on popular browsers, OS, and devices to ensure performance and speed
  • OTT App Testing

    Test network speed, CX, and security of mobile apps while delivering video and audio content
  • Accessibility Testing

    Ensure that apps are accessible to specially-abled individuals
  • User Interface Testing

    Make sure that all forms, buttons, and interfaces run smoothly
  • Usability Testing

    Ensure that the user experience is free of bugs
  • VR/AR App Testing

    Test for a smooth UX, and make sure that the app runs on any platform or device
  • Installation Testing

    Check that software is properly installed with its functionalities and working as expected

Check out our free mobile testing checklist!

What We Test in Mobile App Testing Services?

  • Native mobile apps
  • Salesforce mobile
  • Cross-platform mobile apps
  • Mobile games
  • Mobile web apps
  • OTT apps
  • Wearable devices

QASource's Mobile Testing Services Approach

  • 1

    Define test priorities, deliverables, and approvals

  • 2

    Define test schedule

  • 3

    Establish a device and platform matrix for testing

  • 4

    Ensure compliance with relevant industry standards and regulations

  • 5

    Continuously monitor and track defects and issues throughout the mobile testing process

  • 6

    Define pass/fail criteria

  • 7

    Define what test cases can and cannot be automated

  • 8

    Define Manual testing parameters

  • 9

    Define automated test framework

  • 10

    Evaluate and identify test tools

  • 11

    Define communication and reporting channels

  • 12

    Define test failure contingencies

  • 13

    Adapt to release cycles

  • 14

    Provide recommendations for improvement to enhance the mobile app's quality and user experience

Our Mobile App Testing Tools

QASource employs a tool-agnostic team with extensive mobile app QA testing experience. Tools our team frequently uses include:

Mobile App Testing Services Challenges

Mobile app testing does not come without a set of challenges. But when you partner with QASource you can be assured that we’ve diagnosed and provided solutions for each. A few challenges our clients encountered before partnering with QASource were:

Multiple Operating Systems

The number of operating systems and versions of those operating systems can make providing a consistent user experience difficult.

Different Types of Connections

Testing each and every mobile app connection can be a daunting task. Our team will make sure that the speed and quality of each connection perform as expected, and keep clients updated on their application’s bandwidth usage.

Screen Size Variations

The number of new devices and screen sizes available seems to be increasing daily, and ensuring that your application runs smoothly across all of the variations is critical. Our team will make sure that our clients' applications receive comprehensive testing across all available screen sizes.

Data Security

Protecting user data and other sensitive information is critical for any mobile application. Our team tests our clients' applications in a secure and private cloud environment to undercover any security vulnerabilities.

What Makes Us Different From Others?

  • Our team becomes an extension of your team, imbibes your team culture
  • We create an effective test strategy as per your needs and optimize the test plan accordingly
  • We enhance mobile app aesthetics to enhance your user experience
  • We are tools-agnostic and use a variety of tools to enhance your mobile app testing services experience
  • Fully equipped with relevant real mobile devices in their hands
  • Our mobile app QA services are customized to align with the unique needs and requirements of each client
  • We offer mobile app testing services across all verticals
  • Our QA engineers have hands-on experience in various domains
  • We practice state-of-the-art tools and technologies
  • We help you with maintainable, portable & extensible test automation

Mobile Testing Services Case Study

One of our clients is a top university that provides a popular, highly-trafficked product built to connect faculty and students. Mobile usage of the app was high, and users were logging in and engaging from a variety of different devices (iOS, iPads, and Android) on a continuous, 24/7 basis.

Mobile Testing Challenge

With large amounts of traffic pouring in from many different operating systems and device configurations, our client required that new features be tested for both iOS and Android, across all supported mobile and tablet types.

An added challenge was the lack of existing documentation around QA methodology and the need to establish an efficient, reliable process for checking the quality of the code and the health of the product.

Mobile Testing Solutions

  • Mobile Testing Solutions

    By partnering with QASource, our client had access to a dedicated team of mobile testing experts, all well-versed in the ins and outs of iOS, Android, and tablet functionality.

    The mobile testing lab, outfitted with every operating system and device configuration imaginable, allows the team to satisfy all of the testing requirements in record time.

  • Access to a Scalable Team

    QASource provided the client with QA engineers that complemented their existing development and product delivery team, without adding any unnecessary headcount or exceeding the budget.

    They started with one QA Lead and one QA Engineer, and ramped up and down as needed. This flexibility is particularly useful during major releases or when there is a need for expertise in a particular domain.

  • Introduced Test Tracking Tools

    To help provide real-time status updates on the progress of test execution, QASource provided the client with continuous access to a customized system for automating and managing test cases.

Mobile Testing Results

  • Higher quality features across all required configurations.
  • Cost savings in resource recruitment and product training.
  • More efficient test case distribution, execution, tracking and maintenance Fewer QA bottlenecks during release cycles.
  • Established knowledge base and documentation for future releases Improved retention and expanded customer base.

Optimize Your Mobile App Performance with Expert Testing

Ensure your app functions seamlessly across all devices. Address performance issues, enhance security, and improve reliability with our tailored testing services.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the necessary mobile testing services?

Mobile testing services that are necessary for your application are functional testing, compatibility testing, performance testing, security testing, usability testing, network testing, interruption testing and localization testing.

What are the best practices for mobile app testing services?

The best practices for mobile app testing services include:

  • Early testing in the development cycle
  • Testing on real devices
  • Testing for performance under different conditions
  • Conducting security testing to identify vulnerabilities

What are the main challenges of mobile app testing services?

The main challenges of mobile app testing services include:

  • Device fragmentation
  • Versions variety of operating systems
  • Network interruption issues
  • Frequent updates and releases

What factors to consider for mobile testing services?

Factors to consider for mobile testing services include:

  • Application type
  • Target audience
  • The complexity of the application
  • Number of devices and platforms to test

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