Hire Offshore Software Testing Team

Headquartered in Silicon Valley, QASource offers both offshore and nearshore software testing services to serve the QA requirements for clients. We make significant investments in our staff, including rigorous onboarding processes and ongoing learning programs to ensure that our testers are always well-versed in the latest trends and best practices for software quality analysis so that our customers can rely on our engineers as subject matter experts.

QASource's Offshore QA Testing Team
Why Should You Partner With an Outsourced QA Services Provider? - QASource

Why Should You Partner With an Outsourced QA Services Provider?

Producing a thoroughly tested, bug-free code can prove to be very costly and time-consuming. But we are here to help. For almost 24 years, we have been singularly focused on providing excellent offshore and nearshore QA services that consistently exceed our client's expectations.

Here’s How We Do It:

  • We provide highly trained engineers who go through rigorous onboarding and QA training programs to join our clients' projects.
  • Our outsourced QA teams become an extension of the client's internal team, thereby, improving the quality of output.
  • We employ industry best practices to ensure that we achieve the desired outcomes for our customers.

Hire Offshore QA Team and Automate Your Software Testing Process with QASource

Why Partner With Us?

When you hire an offshore software testing team, you will get:

A Cost-effective QA Solution

Hiring and training in-house QA testers is costly and time-consuming. Instead, hiring an offshore QA team to meet your testing requirements will prove to be very cost-effective, as they already have extensive industry knowledge from working with different clients, and will be able to ramp up quickly to meet your project requirements.

A Quick Ramp-up of QA Resources

By partnering with a dedicated offshore QA team, you can reduce management overhead and get a quick ramp-up of QA resources as per project requirements. Our team can do an in-depth analysis of the root cause of the problem and come up with a strategy to address the issue.

Clear Communication

We have mastered the art of maintaining clear and transparent channels of communication to a science, so that everyone has a clear understanding of the goals, and all deadlines are met in a timely manner. This not only helps us to increase productivity, but also builds trust between the client and engineering teams.

Round-the-Clock Team Availability

The significant time difference between the offshore software testing hubs of India and the main client office in North America can prove to be very beneficial. By partnering with us, you can use the 9- to 13-hour difference to create a 24/7 testing cycle. As your engineers at home finish their working day, our offshore testing teams can take over and test the code generated during your day. By embracing digital channels of communication, we can build a never-ending production process that embraces the best aspects of agile testing.

Advantages of Offshore QA Testing Services


Identify and fix bugs in the early stages of the software development lifecycle and make it cost-efficient with an experienced offshore QA partner.

Easily Scalable

With access to our vast talent pool of QA specialists, you can easily scale your projects and ramp up your teams for QA testing to meet your business goals.

Faster Time to Market

Speed up your release cycle, meet budget constraints, and deliver the product on time by fixing all bugs and errors before the release.

Increase Capacity

An increased workforce will allow you to smoothen the flow of the software testing process without recruiting high-paid onshore testers.

Focus On Your Core Business

Let our offshore QA team handle the testing processes while you focus on your core software development tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a great QA team?

A great QA team is proactive, maintains a high quality of work, and follows all project deliverables by the stated deadlines. The team also maintains transparent communication channels to build trust with the clients. While these characteristics are not the only things to look for in your QA provider, they are essential to keeping the partnership alive and strong.

How do you manage an offshore test team?

  • Be an effective communicator and deal with any language barriers.
  • Set up an effective onshore-offshore balance.
  • Maintain good control over the documentation for your deliverables.
  • Change the way you manage issues and escalations.

What is the difference between onsite and offshore QA Teams?

Outsourcing to remote locations with a major time difference is known as offshoring. India would be one of the United States' offshore locations. Onsite refers to outsourcing to companies that are based in the same nation.

What are some benefits of offshoring?

  • You can have access to QA software testing domain expertise.
  • A vast time difference means that your teams can enjoy round-the-clock development cycles.
  • Management can show significant cost savings by hiring already trained offshore QA teams, rather than spending time and money on hiring and training onshore talent.

Check out Our Most Popular Offshore Testing Resources

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